Karin has 25 years of experience in the field of mind body medicine. She is a Psychosomatic therapist and worldwide Spatial Medicine educator.
Psychosomatic therapy works with the mindset, the physical symptom, and the emotional patterns. This unique approach regulates the autonomic nervous system to restore physiological disorders, mental and emotional disturbances, chronic pain and health conditions.
The session will support the release of tensional and emotional patterns stored in the body from current or past stresses, trauma, shocks, injuries or grief experienced over your lifetime. It combines psychosomatic trauma therapy, somatic therapy (SE) and bodywork.
Karin will empower you to be more aware of how your habit patterns and mindset are affecting your body and mind, keeping you trapped in repeated cycles. With a new perspective and greater self-awareness you learn to better understand your circumstances, to be in-tune with yourself and tools to self-regulate in any given situation.
‘I will highlight Karin as one of those special teachers we once meet in life that redirects our life and enables us to find the answer by ourselves.’ - Valentina Cabreira Vieira, Dubai
'I highly recommend anyone with pain or conditions, and all trainers and coaches to visit this awesome lady and learn about your body, its restrictions placed on it by you, your life, upbringing, issues and worries and learn how you can "perform", "think" "move" and "live" better. It is truly eye and mind opening!' Personal Coach, Dubai
Karin Locher is a visionary in the field of mind body healing. Her extraordinary and very personal insight into the mind-body-spirit relationship inspires her unique psychosomatic methodology of Spatial Medicine; changing mind-set, health-set, heart-set and soul-set to re-regulate the nervous system, enable recovery and to live more fully.
Through her unique approach, you will learn the art of self–tuning to enable you to reset your own nervous system to reach a life time resolve.
Private sessions are available at the Centre for Spatial Medicine in Dubai or online.
Or contact Karin Locher directly:
+971 52 547 8787 ( UAE)
Single 60 minute sessions*:
Dubai 750 AED (inc. 5% vat) (205 USD)
Single 90 minute sessions*:
Dubai 1100 AED (inc. 5% vat) (305 USD)
6 session discount:
Dubai 4125 AED (inc. 5% vat) (1125 USD)