Group Mentoring

Group Mentoring

3 Day Workshop

‘Transformation is not about changing who we are, it is about becoming who we always have been. If you are looking to better understand the miraculous ways of the human body, it starts with you. We only know others when we know ourselves.’
- Karin


Workshop overview:

Learn the tools to deepen your relationship with your inner mind and self, and experience what a greater capacity of attention and self-practice can bring to the performance of both mind and body. Make a shift and alter the outcome of your health and life.

Group Mentoring is for all mind and body professionalslooking to step right into the heart, spirit and embodiment of themselves (cells) to become the change in their lives; thereby enabling others to do the same.


  • Deepen self-awareness through in-depth mind and movement practice
  • Explore self-actualisation and deepen your enquiry to find deeper answers
  • Access mind and body exercises to recognise habit patterns, emotions and beliefs that are blocking your body and your life.
  • Learn practices to develop and strengthen willpower and attention
  • Includes self (cell) discovery and life purpose session (offered as a group and privately if required)

    Why Choose Group Mentoring with Karin?

    Karin Locher is a visionary in the field of mind body healing. Her extraordinary and very personal insight into the mind-body-spirit relationship inspires her unique methodology for Spatial Medicine; changing mind-set, structure and movement to enable our own recovery and live fully. 

    Group Mentoring with Karin offers you a unique opportunity to become self-responsible for your body’s performance, your health and your life.  Unravelthe hidden messages that your body is responding to which have brought you to where you are today, and learn the tools to make the changes required.

    Make a shift and be self-responsible for your body’s performance, your health and your life


    3 Day Workshop
    17 - 19 March, 2019, Dubai


    Centre for Spatial Medicine in Jumeirah 3, Dubai.

    Accommodation is available at the Roda Beach Resort (1 bed chalet) next to the Centre for Spatial Medicine (fees not included).


    Early Bird Discount until 30 November 2018

    1,270 USD 1,550 USD

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